
Consult the link box for statistics on international child abduction cases.

Every year, the Ministry of Social Affairs, Housing, and Senior Citizens prepares statistics on the international child abduction cases that we receive under the Hague Convention of 1980, the Hague Convention of 1996 and the European Convention. The Ministry also prepares statistics on child abduction cases from Denmark to non-convention states.

Our statistics up to 2016 show among other things the number of cases we receive every year under the three conventions, what countries the applications come from, what countries the applications are sent to, the number of children and the outcomes of the cases.

From 2017, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Senior Citizens has prepared a more extensive statistic on the child abduction cases. The statistic prepared for 2017 and onward is published at this webpage with the title: 'Key Figures on the child abduction cases to and from Denmark 2017' (in Danish).

In addition to the number of cases, the key figures for 2017 and onwards also include a review of the reason a case is closed down in the Child Abduction Unit. Furthermore, the statistic include statements of the abducting parent's gender and the children’s age at the time of the abduction as well as some more detailed statements for non-convention cases.